Professional Rewrite Class


In 10 weeks, you'll go through the steps of a professional rewrite. If you want to place high in a major contest or need to do a rewrite before sending your script to agents, managers, or producers, this class will give you the tools to do it.


QUALITY comes from elevating the key components of your script.

To truly create an amazing screenplay, you need to work in a NON-LINEAR fashion — improving each major component of your script, starting with the largest (story) and moving to the smallest (words).

You'll rebuild your script from the inside out, working on one component at a time. Our progression is:

  1. story
  2. characters
  3. scenes
  4. openings and endings
  5. dialogue
  6. description
  7. wordsmithing

With each assignment, you'll improve important parts of your script, exchange feedback with other writers, and elevate the overall quality of your story.

The days of this TEN WEEK program are listed above. You'll take two steps per week and spend the time between lessons elevating one part of your script. By the time the process is finished, you'll have the best screenplay you've ever sent to a contest or an agent.

As you're thinking about that, consider one simple question: What percentage of the scripts that come into contests have been through all these processes? Maybe 1%. That is why this class will give you an advantage over the vast majority of scripts submitted to the upcoming contests. It will also prepare you for the quality level that is required of professionals.

If you are dedicated to succeeding as a screenwriter, this class will make a huge difference for you.


Class Day Subject
Clarify Your Story so you can deliver it more powerfully.
Class Day Subject
Elevate the Structure to improve the overall reading experience.
Class Day Subject
Hone Your Subplots.
Class Day Subject
Character Profiles: Truly Understanding Your Characters.
Class Day Subject
Elevate the Individual Character’s Stories.
Class Day Subject
Create Situations that make Your Characters Compelling.
Class Day Subject
Introduce Your Characters Powerfully.
Class Day Subject
Character Descriptions that are Unforgettable.
Class Day Subject
Rate Each Scene so you can easily solve Hidden Scene Problems.
Class Day Subject
Scene Structures that double the drama.
Class Day Subject
Meaningful Action Process — Deliver meaning that is seen, felt, and experienced.
Class Day Subject
Satisfying, surprising, and meaningful endings.
Class Day Subject
Sell Your Story in the First Three Pages.
Class Day Subject
The Easy Way to Give Characters Unique Dialogue.
Class Day Subject
Punch Up Dull Dialogue
Class Day Subject
Solve On-The-Nose Dialogue
Class Day Subject
Description that Delivers on Visual and Emotional levels.
Class Day Subject
Wordsmithing: Choosing the best words and cutting out the fat.
Class Day Subject
Exchange Scripts for Feedback.
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