Winning The Producer Game

Discover the Real Reasons a Producer Will Buy or Reject Your Screenplay…

From One of Hollywood’s Biggest Producers!


3 Full-Length Closed-Door Confidential Interviews w/Producer Mike Napoliello

Producer Mike Napoliello of Radar Pictures (The Last Samurai, Spring Breakers, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Riddick) agreed to do 3 sessions where he answered all of ScreenwritingU's questions about what needs to be in your screenplay, how to pitch it effectively, and how to be successful during development.

And he did an amazing job.

Mike Napoliello - Radar Pictures

  • Strategy Session #1:  16 Things A Producer Looks For In Your Screenplay 
  • Strategy Session #2:  7 Secrets To The Successful Development Of Your Movie
  • Strategy Session #3:  Life’s A Pitch — How To Pitch Like A Producer
  • PLUS: FREE summaries for all three interviews!  100% Money Back Guarantee! 

Listen to Day 1 Now!

"So much valuable "real life" stuff that a lot of writers don't know. I come from production and have seen this in action on sets where producers talk about current and future projects. But writers who never see that have no idea. This is the kind of input they need to keep it real, and to know what 'the other side is thinking.'"

        Anna Elias
        Paid Screenwriter

STRATEGY SESSION #1:  16 Things A Producer Looks For In Your Screenplay

You're going to discover the 16 things a producer looks for in your screenplay.  Miss any of these and your script has only half the chance of success.  Miss two or more and your script is dead in the water!  Listen now!

“I loved hearing a producer discuss how he reads a screenplay, what is important to him, and what he needs to fall in love with the script.”

        Claire Riley
        Produced Screeenwriter

STRATEGY SESSION #2:  7 Secrets To The Successful Development Of Your Movie

Mike shares 7 secrets to a successful development process for your movie.  You're going to learn to handle notes and breeze through every stage of the development process as the producer's hero.

“Mike showed us how to be a valuable asset to a producer and to the entire team that is working together to get a movie made.  The strategy sessions were priceless. I know that I will be returning again and again to the notes I took.”

        Heidi Mastrogiovanni
        Optioned Screenwriter

STRATEGY SESSION #3:   Life's A Pitch — How To Pitch Like A Producer

You're going to discover what is missing from most pitches.  You'll find out what producers are really listening for, how to master each kind of pitch, and how create winning cold calls and queries.

“Unless you actually have an opportunity to interact with producers that are currently making movies, you really don't have a clue about the BUSINESS of screenwriting. I know I didn't. Screenwriters should be required to take a class like this before they go into the marketplace with a script.”

        Karen Bryson
        Paid Screenwriter
        Best Selling Author

This kind of look inside the mind of an elite producer is rarely, if ever, given outside industry walls.  Can you see how priceless it will be to have this kind of “insider” information about how to get your script to producers and get your movie made? 

Really?  These strategy sessions can save you from years of mistakes that keep writers from getting in the door and getting their movies made. 

Listen to Day 1 Now!

But for a limited time, you can download all 3 interviews right now for just $99:


 Iron-Clad 100% Money Back Guarantee


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